The Best Organizations Are Moving Towards Greater Employee Empowerment
Global economy is evolving , new business models are emerging and this all is leading towards a new order of new age employee psychology. This is the time when it is becoming increasingly difficult to hire and retain the best talent. The sought after human resource is not easily available, expect the difficulty of hiring & retaining the best talent to increase with time. The best organizations realize this and are moving towards greater employee empowerment and employee friendly work place policies and cultureThe Present Day Human Resource Practices Will No Longer Be Effective
All this brings us to a juncture where the freedom of human spirit to go after their passion and dreams will be far more evident than it has ever been. This poses new challenges to the present day businesses to adjust their systems to the new reality or they will be shocked to suddenly wake up in the new age reality , where the present day human resource practices will no longer be effective and may spell doom to the sleeping giants , who fail to make note of the changing world orderThe Dilemma Faced By The Corporate Employees
Lets have a look at the 20% performers from the 80:20 rule of the Pareto Analysis , which means that the 20% employees(read leaders) in any present day corporate carry the burden of the balance 80% employees(read passive & even including counter productive passengers) in that corporate. This also explains the essence of the dilemma faced by the corporate employees who despite having the best intent and skills either are not provided with the necessary resources or are subjected to harsh situations , because of the vested interests of the few, who misuse their chair to serve their vested interests at the cost of the organization, in sharp contravention to the business objectives, of the organizations ,which they are supposed to serve, which are relegated to the last rung of the priority ladder.
Most Employees Get A Raw Deal
Most organizations fail to check this unhealthy trend leading to the exodus of good talented employees ,or even if they continue they are made to perform at a level which is far below their potential, thus the speed & effectiveness of the business gets considerably reduced, and the year on growth rates of such corporate giants are compromised to the extent that either these businesses fail in the long run or they just provide growth to the business owners and the few with vested interests and powers , but the most employees get a raw deal comprising exploitation, instability and a sense of worthlessness. These companies are left with the passengers which find difficult to run the show and they contemplate move to another express organization where the same story is repeated. This is a bitter truth of the corporate life , which even the most successful corporate executives have been subjected to at least a few times during their corporate life in the past. They are able to surmount these unfavorable harsh situations only by sheer application of their resilience & emotional intelligence and by putting in their best energies to manage their survival at the cost of their core job objectives.
Most People Still Believe That Entrepreneurship Is Not For Them
- Despite resentment and frustration, they continue in their jobs because they have seen their colleagues moving out of the line and got into a worse situation
- The action plan is not clear to them , in terms of what they are going to do once they step out of the comfort zone of their monthly salaries
- The belief that they are made to grow with, through their early childhood, that they are good enough only to secure good grades and work as an employee for another employer. This is the result of our education system which is designed to churn out best and extra ordinary employees
These reasons have had such a great impact on the psyche that despite the talk of the start ups and entrepreneurship, most people still believe that entrepreneurship is not for them
Follow Your Passion- Be An Entrepreneur
This gives us the break up of the working population into various categories and out of these categories , there is the one where the people realize that the time has come for them to be their own boss as the job doesn't hold the promise it used to once hold and they wish to follow their passion which needs them to hang up. They want to take some time to plan quitting their job but they are not too sure of what exactly do they wish to pursue next.
What ever may be the constraints that you see as barriers between you and your dream business, we can be the bridge to take you to your entrepreneurship dream land. If you feel that your passion is bigger than your dreams , you may contact us at and we shall work closely with you to work out the best solutions matching your skills , interests and expertise.