Showing posts with label nationalism 360 degree leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nationalism 360 degree leadership. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2016



Show The Path and Lead The Way

As a business do you realize the importance of your day to day conduct, in motivating and inspiring people, who come in your direct or indirect contact. There is no better way than modelling when it comes to showing the path and leading the way. In a scenario where technology, GDP, economy, innovation, education standard, living standard, industrial growth rate and most of the tangible parameters seem to be doing well, still we know that there is some-thing more that is needed to move the nation to a point where it can keep its head high and be self reliant in taking its own decisions rather than depending on others to support its cause. This is the time to redefine the concept of social responsibility as linked to the spirit of nationalism and 360 degree leadership through accomplishment of personal effectiveness

Align Your Own Work With That Of The Nation

Whether you may be in a job or business, it always pays to be effective in your role by being helpful to those around you. You must constantly focus your energy on the effectiveness with which you are contributing towards the goals of your department, organization or business. Healthy competition or complementing, the strengths of your co-worker – countrymen, must be the key word to watch for.  Delving deeper into this concept will make you align your own work with that of the nation as a whole. You need to understand that for your country to be stronger, it needs to possess more wealth, for the country to possess more wealth the countrymen must be productively employed to generate that wealth for your nation

Strengthen  The Society & Culture by Contributing Towards The True Spirit of Nationalism

The social responsibility must not be looked upon as a mere tool , only for gaining appreciation and meeting mandatory compliance norms, but this must also be a measure of setting up of right example and promoting brotherhood, harmony and nationalism amongst the people as and when they come in contact of your business. This is the only way to bear the torch of nationalism to a level where each torch in-turn ignites a multiple number, this continued process has the potential to transform the business landscape and strengthen the society & culture by contributing towards the true spirit of nationalism through personal effectiveness