Gut Feel May Not Always Be The Right Decision |
- Validate Underlying Assumptions; Broadly classify the types of decisions made by you into critical, important but not critical, tactical but not important and routine decisions, put the information required for decision making under each of these broad categories for re-validating the assumptions with the factual situation on the basis of the present ground realities attaching a review periodicity to each one of them. The theory of relativity propounded by Einstein , holds good for modern day management practices as well.The environment in which we operate keeps changing on a continuous basis, therefore it is important to understand that with each passing moment the reality around us is in a continuous state of change and the world as it stands now in this moment is unique and has never been like this before and will never be like this again. This continuous change adds a dynamic element of uncertainty to our lives and the decision making whether personal or professional is no exception.Make a note of all the assumptions underlying your decision making process. Note even the most insignificant assumption and revisit the facts to ascertain the validity of these assumptions, certain assumptions when challenged have the potential to bring about a paradigm shift in the approach towards the decision making process and its impact on the status quo.
- Align Values & Goals; Is the decision in line with your deeply held values that are close to your heart? One of the simplest ways of answering this question is through visualization of the possible outcomes of the decision that you are about to take. In your visualization if this decision is helping you move towards your goals then it appears to be a desirable one. The litmus test of your decision lies in its congruity with your value system. Chose the most appropriate of the available options that would facilitate optimization on these twin parameters of goal accomplishment and value alignment. Visualize the possible consequences that may arise as an outcome of the decision that you want to take. Answer these two questions, 1. Are these consequences in line with MY deeply revered values? and 2.Would they be taking ME a step closer towards the accomplishment of MY goals?. If the answer to both these questions is yes, then go ahead with your decision or else think of some other better alternatives and repeat the process.
- Review Motive & Trigger Events ;Take time to empathize with the people or external agencies around you to have a deeper look on the effect your decision will have on them. Review the underlying motivation to take the decision as well as the events which are acting as the trigger for your decision. Having a detached view of the scenario will lend an air of credibility to your decision making process as your decision would be well thought of and not taken at the drop of a hat. This approach will help you stick to your decision confidently in the face of difficulties or opposition.Your confidence would be even higher if your values are in sync with the universally applicable natural principles.
- Evaluate Opportunity Cost ; When you take a decision it is eventually at the cost of some other decision that is foregone, therefore it is a great idea to evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen decision, before hand, in terms of the cost of the lost opportunity as you decide in favor of one decision over the other.
- Connect with Cosmos ; Practice daily meditation and develop your sixth sense to give you directions for drawing conclusions & inferences which are based on the holistic integration of the universal understanding that is far greater than the best possible information available on paper or your processing devices. That also explains the well known fact that why the sages have the power to know the truth in the present moment for its relation to the past and the future. This is generally termed as intuition which defies all the past experiences, logic & expert knowledge to arrive at a perfect decision that till date remains a mystery to the modern proponents of the super computers and the scientific decision making systems. Therefore it is important to take out time from your busy schedule and connect regularly with the cosmos through meditation.
- Optimize Time Lag ; In view of the above , it is absolutely critical to optimize the time lag between information gathering/ compilation , decision making, implementation and next re-validation.To what ever extent the human mind may try but it wouldn't ever be able to completely comprehend the present situation as in the present moment due to the time lag between the various stages of the decision making process, for example if there is barely a gap of just of a few seconds between the information gathered, decision taken and its dissemination to those concerned, lets say in case of the aviation traffic control, it may possibly lead to disastrous consequences.At the same time consider the instances where the mishaps are averted by the unusual offbeat decisions which otherwise could have been fatal, had these decisions been not taken in that split fraction of a second The business world and our personal lives are no exceptions as these gaps generally go up to a period of a few days before another validation is effected. Therefore decisions thus taken are illusive as there are many factors that may have changed and continue to change, rendering these decisions not only ineffective and out of place but may also prove to be counterproductive by working against the very system they are supposed to support. Reducing the time lag between information collection ,decision making and its implementation is the key for remaining relevant to the changing times.To put it more aptly this may mean development and implementation of real time decision making systems, as used by aviation traffic control and other sophisticated public transport systems used by the developed economies, where the day to day decisions and reviews are made on real time basis based on precise just in time availability of factual information.
- Delay Decision ;Last but not the least , at times delaying a decision may also be an effective decision as the timing or inadequacy of available information or over dependence on gut feel may not always be the right decision.