Showing posts with label organizational development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organizational development. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Many Large Organizations Suffer from Rampage Unethical Practices

The problem with our world starts when people with vested interests get into positions of authority. Many large organizations suffer from rampage unethical practices conspired by a very small number of people in influential & authoritative positions. There are obvious undesirable fall-outs, for the stake holders, of not being able to check this menace before it manifests into volcanic eruptions causing shock-waves leading to ripples of panic & devastation right through the organization and beyond

Symptoms Exhibited by Suffering Organizations

Organizations suffering from the impact of unethical practices may exhibit symptoms including but not limited to clandestine predetermined customary commissions, nepotism, favoritism and unhealthy politics aimed at promoting the vested interests of few favorites at the expense of the organization as well as the other interest groups including all ethical actors putting them in a strongly disadvantageous position. Work cultures marred by this evil strangle creativity, innovation, justice, growth, motivation and prosperity. In all likely-hood such a trend plummet the organization towards a downward spiral of hopelessness, destitution & complete loss of focus on the organizational values and objectives

Recipe for an Ethical Organizations?

Solution lies in whole hearted adoption of these rich practices within the governance framework of your organization
1.       Unwavering commitment of the stake holders towards building an ethical organization
2.       Keeping aside a budget towards accomplishing “Ethics and Compliance”
3.       Organization wide dissemination of the code of conduct manual, detailing the definition of integrity violation for identification & prevention of corrupt practices
4.       Building complete transparency around the processes and systems of your organization
5.       Carefully structuring the whistle blower policy
6.       Conducting surprise inspections of the individual work stations 
7.       Benchmarking organizational costs with contemporary market practices & scenario through real time studies and researches
8.       Ensuring optimum frequency of intra organizational employee transfers in case of a single business entity and inter organizational employee transfers in case of a multiple business entity. This also takes care of the critical business areas such as business continuity planning by lining up future business leaders capable of shouldering bigger responsibilities of your organization.
9.       Making contribution towards Knowledge Management system an integral component of the employee KPI (key Performance Indicators) matrix
10.   Developing significant overlaps in the employee KPI matrices as a proactive measure towards implementing a strong checks & balances mechanism.
11.   Carrying out unexpected audits of the organizational processes
12.   Zero tolerance policy for integrity violation
13.   Continuous reviewing and updating of the  governance framework to keep it effective and relevant to the changing times

Monday, September 19, 2016


Is Incorrect Value System Affecting Your Business Performance?

Many a times the problems and difficulties faced by an organization are on account of not living its correct values. This anomaly could emanate from any of these causes
  • ·           There are no clearly spelt-out organizational values.· 
  •          The values are clearly written down but the behavior of your organization is not consistent with these values.·         
  •      Value statement is flawed as it doesn’t reflect the correct values of the organization, thereby rendering all further implementation or evaluation efforts, an exercise in futility

All  Successful Businesses Live Their Correct Values 

Let’s look at the proactive solution to facilitate accomplishment of optimum organizational effectiveness, through identification, crystallization and implementation of the correct values by your organization. Being aware of the correct values of your organization is a very critical component and a key driver of the strategic, tactical or operational decisions made in your organization. Which means every worker on the shop floor, every field sales officer, every manager, every board member is aware of the organizational priorities. This facilitates uniformity in organization wide responses across different geographies, departments, hierarchies, business conditions, etc, leading towards the predictable service or product quality delivered to the vendors, suppliers and the internal as well as the external customers.
This clearly explains why the best of the organizations across the globe have a consistent track of the way in which they conduct their business. Implementation of clearly defined values lies at the heart of all successful organizations, whether local or global.

Check-list to Evaluate Whether Your Business Is Suffering From This Anomaly

  1.     Do you receive frequent customer complaints regarding quality of the product/ service   delivered?
  2.    Do you find that motivating your employees towards higher productivity levels is a big challenge?
  3.    Have you noticed a lack of coordination between different departments/ teams in your organization      for even simplest activities?
  4.        Despite your continued efforts you are not able to build a healthy brand image in the eyes of your customers?
If the answer to one or more of these questions is yes, then your organization needs to revise its value statement by identifying its correct values and ensuring that its behavior is consistent with these values for accomplishing organizational effectiveness.

For any assistance, you may write to us at  or visit our website . It shall be our pleasure to assist you..